Legal Aid
The aim of this programme is to support desperate widows and women by giving them seed money to start small business and train them on how to initiate income generating activities. Orphans and most vulnerable children are supported by the Centre through payment of school fees (primary, secondary and vocational training centers) and the scholastic materials to enable them to access their right to education. Psychosocial, reintegration, counseling and legal aid is part of this program
The aim of this programme is to raise awareness to the community and the general public on legal, gender, human rights issues of children, women, good governance and democracy which is done through trainings, conferences, workshops and seminars.
Care and Support
Legal Education awareness
Our The legal aid program is the core activity conducted at the Centre of CWCA. This program offers legal advice, court representation, legal education drafting of legal documents, reconciliation of parties with the legal disputes, empowerment of clients with necessary court and legal knowledge; undertake the public interest cases so as to enable the indigents to access justice and counselling.
Legal aid services are provided through: -
⦁ Paralegals
⦁ Clinics and
⦁ Mobile clinics
Under this programme the Centre do conduct research on law and human rights issues, gender, policies, practices that affect women and children, document the same and advocate for change.
Research, publication and documentation
Paralegal Program
Grandmothers Program
Paralegals: Paralegals are community-based advocates who provide legal assistance to the needy and help in promoting human rights awareness to the general public for enhanced access to justice to every Tanzanian. Currently we have 125 paralegals based in the seven district of Mara region.
The aim of this program is to support grandmothers -led responce to HIV/AIDS at the community level. Currently CWCA supported the total number of 12 grandmothers in this program.
For developing families together grandmothers play a key role in educating their communities especially women groups about the HIV/AIDS pandemic.