Our History

The Centre for Widows and Children Assistance (CWCA) was founded in July 2003 by a group of human rights activists namely Hon. Justice Issa Maige, Martha Kisyombe, Utti Mwang’amba and the late Susan Makatte who realized that most children, widows and women are denied their legal rights due to prejudices and stereotypes rooted in culture, social norms, and ignorance of the laws. Their situation is exacerbated by the predominantly patriarchal system in Tanzania where they have no one to come to their defence when their human rights are violated.

The organisation started it’s activities, legally after registration with the Register of Companies on the 17th day of February 2005 under the Companies Ordinance Cap. 212 of the laws of Tanzania as a Company without shares limited by guarantee. Certificate of registration No. 51556 was issued to CWCA on the 13th day of June 2008. CWCA complied with the requirements of the NGO Act and was awarded certificate No. 0757 that gave it the mandate to operate in Tanzania Mainland. Currently the organisation is operating in Mara, Simiyu, Coast and Dar es Salaam regions.

Vision and Mission


The vision of the Centre for Widows and Children Assistance is to have a society that respects and upholds human rights


The mission of the Centre for Widows and Children Assistance is to enhance, promote, and defend the rights of widows and children through raising awareness of their rights, to advocate for progressive policies and laws and to provide legal aid and information sharing in Tanzania.

The above can be achieved by: -

⦁ Raising awareness on legal and human rights to various groups in our community through trainings, publications.

⦁ Provision of legal aid to the indigent widows, women and children who cannot hire lawyers/advocates in the market and those whose cases have public interest and can advance law reform.

⦁ Conduct research on policies, legal and human rights issues, customs and traditions particularly those which affect the livelihood of women, widows and children.

⦁ And to ultimately advocate for positive changes based upon the needs of this vulnerable demographic.

Judith Nyanza

Board Chairperson

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors provides leadership to the CWCA, exercises overall responsibility for the policies, programs and direction of the organization, and provides advice and counsel on a wide range of policy and operational matters. The composition is designed to reflect a broad scope of expertise, with all members having a strong and demonstrated commitment to supporting the work of community-led organizations.

Mr. Chrispin Mwansanga

board member

Adv Gloria Misana

board member

Adv. Proectus Rwehumbiza

board member

Prof. Anna Tengia Kessy

Board Chairperson

Maria Achando

Administrative secretary.

Gerald Bernard


Emmanuel Gervas


Ane Kapufi


Marry Joakimu
Utti Mwang'amba



Founding Members

Ms. Utti A. Mwang’amba,
Ms. Suzan Makatte,
Ms. Marth Kisyombe
Mr. Issa Maige,